Sabtu, 17 April 2010

U2 Bakal Ke Indonesia?

Sabtu, 17 April 2010

Akhir-akhir ini banyak sekali musisi luar negeri yang datang dan mengadakan konser di Indonesia. Bahkan, musisi legendaris U2 pun kabarnya akan mengadakan konser besar mereka tahun ini. Hal itu diungkapkan oleh Tommy Pratama, promotor Original Production, saat ditemui di Restoran Oenpao, Radio Dalam, Jaksel, Kamis (15/04).

"Insya Allah, apa yang menjadi keinginan seluruh masyarakat Indonesia tahun ini kita berharap U2 akan datang ke Jakarta. Memang sudah ada rencana U2 akan ke Jakarta, namun kita hanya menunggu jawaban dari Bono, sang vokalis U2," terangnya.

Menurut Tommy, manajer U2 sendiri sudah menyetujui akan mengadakan konser di Indonesia. Dan pendekatan dengan pihak U2 sendiri sudah dilakukan sejak tiga tahun yang lalu.

"Bagi saya sangat sulit untuk bisa bertemu secara tatap muka dengan pihak U2. Saya sudah melakukan pendekatan dari 3 tahun lalu. Mereka menginginkan agar konser mereka dilakukan di tempat dengan kapasitas terbesar yaitu memuat 100 ribu orang karena mereka membawa barang sebanyak 70 kontainer," terangnya lagi.

Tak hanya itu, pihak U2 juga mewanti-wanti pada pihak promotor agar tetap memperhatikan masalah kemanusiaan dan global warming.

"Bono juga meminta agar masalah sisi kemanusiaan, global warming, masalah lingkungan hidup, serta faktor kemiskinan sebab Bono itu pernah berjanji dia tidak akan datang kalau negara tersebut sangat tidak peduli dengan masalah tersebut. Karena di Indonesia sendiri masalah tersebut kurang diperhatikan, jadi U2 belum mau datang ke sini," tambah Tommy.

Namun begitu, meski merasa sedikit khawatir, namun Tommy tetap optimis.

"Saya selalu menawarkan kepada pihak U2. Kita akan mendapatkan jawaban setelah mereka melakukan konser Pacific RIM. Saya selalu membuang rasa itu (khawatir) dan kita harus fight," tegasnya. (

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Jumat, 16 April 2010

Meteor Terlihat Di Langit Amerika

Jumat, 16 April 2010

Sebuah bola api melintas di kegelapan malam langit Wisconsin. Otoritas Amerika Serikat memastikannya sebagai sebuah meteor. Fenomena ini dilihat oleh sejumlah orang di lima negara bagian AS. Banyak yang mengaku mendengar suara bergemuruh.

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Rabu, 03 Maret 2010

Huan Ikan DI Australia

Rabu, 03 Maret 2010

Sepanjang akhir pekan lalu, penduduk suatu kota kecil di wilayah tandus Australia bagian utara mengalami berkah yang jarang terjadi. Kota mereka dilanda hujan ikan.

Laman harian The Telegraph mengungkapkan, dalam dua hari berturut-turut Kota Lajamanu di negara bagian Northern Territory kejatuhan banyak ekor ikan. Bersama dengan air hujan, ikan-ikan itu muncul begitu saja dari langit.

Sebagian besar ikan masih dalam keadaan hidup. Hujan ikan itu baru berhenti Senin, 1 Maret 2010.

Para pakar cuaca di Australia yakin bahwa ikan spangled perch, salah satu jenis ikan air tawar di Australia, tampaknya terhisap ke dalam badai. Mereka lalu dibawa angin kencang sebelum akhirnya berguguran di Lajamanu, kota yang jumlah penduduknya hanya 669 orang.

"Badai membawa ikan-ikan itu naik hingga ketinggian 40 ribu hingga 50 ribu kaki di udara," kata seorang pakar senior di Biro Meteorologi Australia, Mark Kersemakers. "Saat mereka ikut dalam 'sistem' badai, mereka membeku. Setelah beberapa waktu, mereka bebas dari badai," lanjut Kersemakers.

Ini merupakan kali ketiga dalam kurun waktu lebih dari 30 tahun di mana Lajamanu dilanda hujan ikan. Peristiwa serupa terjadi pada 1974 dan 2004.

"Biasanya, ikan ada di dalam air. Sekarang ikan-ikan itu jatuh dari langit. Bagaimana kalau sesuatu yang lebih besar jatuh dari langit?" kata Joe Ashley, warga berusia 55 tahun. "Bisa saja besok-besok ada buaya yang akan jatuh dari langit," lanjut Ashley. VIVAnews, Selasa, 2 Maret 2010

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Selasa, 02 Maret 2010

Pembantai Muslim Yugoslavia Bakal Dibui Seumur Hidup

Selasa, 02 Maret 2010

Bekas pemimpin Bosnia-Serbia, Radovan Karadzic, menyampaikan pembelaan di depan majelis hakim Pengadilan Internasional di Den Haag, Senin waktu setempat. Dia bakal mendapatkan hukuman seumur hidup.

Dalam persidangan, Jaksa mendakwa pria 64 tahun itu melakukan dua kejahatan besar yaitu genosida dan sembilan kejahatan lain yakni pembunuhan, pembasmian, penyiksaan, pengusiran, dan menyandera 200 pasukan perdamaian PBB. Pada kesempatan itu dia menolak dakwaan tersebut dan mengaku tak bersalah.

Jika dakwaan Jaksa Alan Tieger terbukti, maka Karadzic akan dihukum seumur hidup, vonis terberat yang pernah dijatuhkan pengadilan PBB atas kejahatan perang terhadap pemimpin bekas Yugoslavia.

Menurut Jaksa, Radovan Karadzic layak mendapatkan hukuman berat karena lelaki gaek ini menghancurkan umat Muslim dan komunitas Kroasia di timur Bosnia sebagai wujud cita-citanya mendirikan negara beretnis murni Serbia.

Selain itu, Karadzic terbukti dengan sengaja memerintahkan pasukannya mengepung ibu kota Sarajevo selama 44 bulan, melakukan penyiksaan dan pembunuhan ratusan tahanan di kamp-kamp tahanan. Puncaknya, selama seminggu Juli 1995, membantai sekitar 8.000 laki-laki muslim di Srebrenica. Hali itu merupakan kejadian berdarah terburuk di Eropa sejak perang dunia kedua.

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Sabtu, 27 Februari 2010

Durasi Normal Orang Bercinta

Sabtu, 27 Februari 2010

Stamina menempati posisi penting dalam kehidupan masyarakat baik dalam mental, fisik atau hubungan seksual. Baik pria maupun wanita percaya adanya fantasi mengenai ukuran Mr. P, dan kemampuannya bertahan sepanjang malam. Namun apakah hal itu benar?

Sebuah studi bertujuan mencari berapa lama waktu bercinta yang dianggap ideal dalam hubungan seks. Apakah durasi bercinta yang ada saat ini kurang, cukup, atau terlalu banyak?

Berdasarkan tanggapan yang diterima dari ribuan pasien, survei yang melibatkan 50 psikolog, pekerja sosial, dokter, perawat dan terapis perkawinan menemukan terdapat empat durasi persetubuhan yaitu terlalu panjang, terlalu pendek, memadai dan diinginkan.

Jangka waktu satu sampai dua menit dianggap "terlalu pendek" dan tiga sampai tujuh menit dianggap "memadai". Tetapi yang mengejutkan, sebagian besar responden mengaku durasi bercinta yang "diinginkan" berlangsung selama 7-13 menit. Sedangkan lama bercinta yang 10-30 menit dianggap "terlalu panjang".

Temuan survei memberi peluang terhapusnya fantasi seks yang tidak realistis dan durasi hubungan seksual yang dapat diterima.

VIVAnews - Rabu, 24 Februari 2010

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Kamis, 25 Februari 2010

Pemerkosa AS Divonis Penjara 430 Tahun!

Kamis, 25 Februari 2010
Seorang pemerkosa berantai mendapat vonis penjara yang luar biasa lama. Pria AS bernama Boker Thomas itu dijatuhi hukuman penjara lebih dari 4 abad!

Demikian diberitakan New York Daily News seperti dilansir kantor berita AFP, Kamis (25/2/2010). Pria berusia 31 tahun itu terbukti bersalah atas pemerkosaan 7 wanita. Oleh pengadilan New York, pria pemerkosa itu divonis penjara 430 tahun.

Kejahatan itu dilakukan Thomas di elevator-elevator, anak tangga ataupun apartemen-apartemen. Pemerkosa berantai di New York itu berhasil ditangkap berkat rekaman kamera CCTV.

Dengan rekaman tersebut beserta hasil tes DNA, pengadilan menyatakan Thomas bersalah. Namun di persidangan, Thomas mengaku tak bersalah atas semua dakwaan pemerkosaan.

"Anda bilang Anda bukan monster, tapi Anda predator yang berniat melukai anak-anak. Anda jahat, Anda antisosial, Anda patologis kriminal," cetus Hakim Del Giudice saat pembacaan vonis.

Dalam sidang putusan tersebut, empat dari tujuh korban Thomas hadir. Termasuk seorang korban yang saat diperkosa pada tahun 2008 lalu usianya baru 13 tahun.

detikcom - Kamis, 25 Februari 2010

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Kamis, 18 Februari 2010

Lalat yang Tidak Menimbulkan Penyakit

Kamis, 18 Februari 2010

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Penyebab Tewasnya Firaun Tutankhamun

Penyebab kematian firaun Mesir yang paling populer, Raja Tutankhamun, akhirnya terungkap. Setelah dua tahun uji DNA dan CT scan pada mumi Raja Tut, dia dipastikan tewas karena komplikasi luka di kaki dan diperparah oleh penyakit malaria.

Kenyataan lain yang terungkap, kemungkinan orang tua Tut adalah sepasang kakak adik.

Studi DNA dan CT scan itu dipublikasikan dalam terbitan Journal of the American Medical Association, Rabu, 17 Februari 2010. Dua tahun pengujian terhadap mumi Tut, yang berusia 3.300 tahun, dan 15 mumi lain membantu mengakhiri mitos seputar firaun itu, yang masih berusia 10 tahun saat diangkat menjadi raja.

Meski hanya memerintah Mesir selama sembilan tahun, Tut menarik perhatian publik. Kuburannya dipenuhi perhiasan dan artifak, termasuk topeng pemakaman yang terbuat dari emas, pada tahun 1922.

Studi menyebutkan bahwa Firaun Akhenaten, raja yang berupaya mengubah paham religius Mesir dari memuja banyak dewa menjadi satu dewa, sebagai ayah kandung Tut. Ibunya adalah salah satu adik perempuan Akhenaten.

Tut dinobatkan menjadi firaun pada usia 10 tahun pada 1333 Sebelum Masehi (SM). Dia memerintah selama sembilan tahun di masa-masa penting dalam sejarah Mesir Kuno.

Spekulasi berkembang terkait kematiannya pada usia 19 tahun. Sebuah lubang di tengkoraknya menambah spekulasi bahwa dia dibunuh. Hingga hasil CT scan tahun 2005 menunjukkan bahwa lubang tersebut kemungkinan diperoleh dari proses mumifikasi. Scan juga mengungkap kondisi patah tulang kaki yang dialami Tut.

Tes terbaru memberikan gambaran bahwa firaun memiliki sistem kekebalan tubuh yang lemah karena penyakit bawaan. Kematiannya disebabkan komplikasi patah tulang dan malaria akut. DNA parasit malaria ditemukan di beberapa mumi.

"Patah tulang kaki karena jatuh kemungkinan menimbulkan kondisi menjadi berbahaya ketika infeksi malaria terjadi," tulis artikel tersebut.

"Tutankhamun mengidap beberapa kelainan. Dia dibayangkan sebagai sosok muda, tetapi raja itu berada dalam kondisi lemah hingga memerlukan tongkat untuk berjalan."

VIVAnews/Kamis, 18 Februari 2010

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Selasa, 16 Februari 2010

Cara Membunuh Orang Paling Jahat

Selasa, 16 Februari 2010

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Ulama Aceh Merasa Ditipu Para Waria

Sebuah kontes waria diselenggarakan di Kota Banda Aceh, Sabtu 13 Februari 2010.

Majelis Permusyawaratan Ulama (MPU) Kota Banda Aceh menyatakan tidak pernah memberikan rekomendasi terhadap Kontes Pemilihan Duta Waria Aceh 2010. MPU berencana menuntut panitia penyelengara.

"Kita merasa ditipu, mereka meminta arahan ke kami untuk mengelar malam pengalangan dana sosial, ternyata mereka buat kontes waria" 'kata ketua MPU Kota Banda Aceh, Tgk Karim Syeikh, Senin, 15 Februari 2010.

Menurut Karim, MPU merasa dirugikan atas komentar panitia, Timmy Miyabi, yang menyebutkan pihaknya mendapatkan izin dari MPU.

"Jangankan kontes waria, kontes kecantikan wanita saja tidak kita izinkan, mereka telah mencemarkan nama baik ulama aceh" tambah dia.

Dia juga menyebutkan, pihaknya menentang keras rencana diikutkannya waria Aceh dalam kontes waria di tingkat nasional. Menurutnya nama Daerah Aceh tercemar gara-gara kontes tersebut.

"Aceh daerah syariat Islam, tidak seharusnya acara seperti itu digelar di Aceh" ujarnya.


Sebelumnya, kontes waria Aceh memilih Angga alias Zefina Letisia (19 tahun) asal Aceh Utara sebagai Duta Waria Aceh 2010 mengalahkan 39 waria lainnya.

Dalam kontes tersebut, para waria mengenakan pakaian adat Aceh dari 23 daerah asal mereka masing-masing.

Jimmi, ketua panitia mengatakan, kontes tersebut merupakan ajang silaturahmi antar para waria dari seluruh Aceh. Kegiatan itu juga telah mendapatkan persetujuan dari ulama.

“Kita mendapatkan izin dari MPU kota Banda Aceh, kita didukung banyak pihak untuk mengelar acara ini,” sebutnya, usai kontes yang berlangsung di Auditoriat RRI Banda Aceh, Sabtu, 14 Februari 2010.

Waria yang akrab disapa Timmy Miyabi itu juga mengatakan, sebelumnya para kontestan juga dikarantina selama sepekan untuk mendapatkan pengetahuan seputar hak asasi manusia. Mereka juga diharuskan mengabdi untuk membantu anak-anak panti asuhan.

“Kontes ini untuk menunjukan kepada masyarakat kalau waria dapat melakukan hal-hal yang positif, kita ingin menghilangkan stigma kalau waria itu sampah masyarakat,” ujarnya.

Para dewan juri yang terdiri dari Marini, dari Koalisi Perempuan Indonesia, Perak Sebayang dari RRI Banda Aceh dan Santi, menilai kelenturan para peserta dalam berjalan diatas catwalk. Mereka juga menguji kemampuan para peserta dalam mengeluarkan pendapat, terutama pengetahuan terhadap hak asasi manusia.

Zafina Letisia, Duta Waria Aceh 2010 mengatakan, waria di Aceh tidak mendapatkan pelecehan maupun diskriminasi. Menurut dia pelaksanaan syariat islam di Aceh tidak membatasi waria dalam berekspresi.“Sangat tergantung tingkah laku si warianya juga, pinter-pinter bawa diri lah,” sebutnya.

Mengenai rencana pembentukan Qanun Jinayat yang juga melarang waria, Angga mengatakan, pihaknya akan berusaha beraudiensi dengan pemerintah. “Takut juga sih kalau nantinya kita dilarang, tapi nanti kita coba bicarakan aja,” ujarnya.

Laporan: Muhammad Riza | Banda Aceh/ VIVAnews

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Jumat, 12 Februari 2010

Anggaran Plesiran DPR untuk 2010 Capai Rp 122 M

Jumat, 12 Februari 2010
Kunjungan anggota DPR ke luar negeri kembali menjadi sorotan. Untuk tahun 2010, anggota Dewan akan melakukan 58 kunjungan ke 20 negara dengan total nilai anggaran Rp 122 miliar.

Demikian hasil investigasi Forum Indonesia Untuk Transparansi Anggaran (Fitra) yang disampaikan kepada detikcom, Kamis (11/2/2010).

Kordinator Investigasi dan Advokasi Seknas FITRA, Uchok Sky Khadafi, menjelaskan Rp 122 miliar itu 65 persen lebih besar dibandingkan anggaran Dewan untuk bencana alam sebesar Rp 8 miliar.

"Selain itu, Rp 122 miliar alokasi anggaran untuk kunjungan ke luar negeri naik 30 persen bila dibanding dengan alokasi anggaran kunjungan ke luar pada 2009 lalu," kata Khadafi.

Fitra mengimbau Dewan untuk menghentikan kunjungan ke luar negeri itu baik berbentuk studi banding, kunjungan kerja, kunjungan delegasi. "Karena sangat boros anggaran dan lebih baik direlokasi ke
program-program yang merakyat seperti membantu masyarakat yang hanya makan nasi aking, jagung, dan singkong di berbagai daerah," ujarnya.

Khadafi juga mengajak masyarakat untuk memberikan sanksi moral kepada anggota Dewan, jika ternyata bersikeras tetap berangkat plesiran ke luar negeri.

Dua puluh negara yang akan dikunjungi anggota DPR adalah Afrika Selatan, Meksiko, Korea utara, China (2 kali), Suriah (7 kali), Qatar, Australia, Vietnam (3 kali), Philipina, Iran, Turki, Kuwait, Belgia, Singapura, Korea Selatan, Uganda/Mali, Bangkok (2 kali), dan Venezuela, Amerika Serikat (8 kali).

Khusus untuk bulan Februari ini, anggota Dewan diketahui akan berkunjung minimal sebanyak dua kali ke negara China, dan Uganda/Mali.

detikcom - Jumat, 12 Februari

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Kamis, 11 Februari 2010

MUI Bangka Haramkan "Valentine Day"

Kamis, 11 Februari 2010

Majelis Ulama Indonesia (MUI) Kabupaten Bangka mengharamkan Hari Kasih Sayang ("Valentine Day") yang jatuh pada setiap tanggal 14 Februari bagi muslim yang merayakannya karena tidak sesuai dengan Al Quran dan Hadits.

"Selain hanya buatan manusia, Hari Kasih Sayang yang biasa disebut `Valentine Day` itu merupakan budaya Barat," kata Ketua MUI Kabupaten Bangka, Yubahar Hasan, di Sungailiat, Rabu.

Ia mengatakan acara yang biasa digemari kaum muda tersebut biasanya justru digunakan ajang hura-hura serta melakukan perbuatan negatif yang melanggar norma agama.

"Dalam ajaran Islam, kasih sayang dilaksanakan kapan saja dan tidak mesti dijadwalkan satu setahun sekali. Setiap saat justru kita harus berkasih sayang, namun dengan cara cara sesuai syariat Islam," katanya.

Menurut dia, peradapan anak muda sekarang memang berbeda dibandingkan dengan zaman dulu, karena perilaku anak muda sekarang sudah terlalu jauh menyimpang dan bahkan bergandengan tanpa dengan lain jenis sebelum menikah.

"Kasih sayang menurut Islam adalah mengerjakan aturan hukum agama sebagaimana yang diajarkan Nabi Muhammad Saw., yaitu bertakwa kepada Allah Swt. dan menghormati kedua orang tua," katanya.

Selain itu, katanya, kasih sayang menurut Islam tidak diperbolehkan bergandengan tangan antara laki-laki dan perempuan di luar muhrim.

"Kita saling mendoakan antara umat Islam ke jalan Allah Swt. juga sudah termasuk saling sayang menyayangi dengan teman yang lain atau saudara sesama Islam," katanya.

Ia menyarankan kepada organisasi-organisasi Islam seperti Nahdlatul Ulama dan Muhammadiyah agar terus melakukan pembinaan keagamaan kepada anak-anak muda supaya selalu menjalankan perintah Allah Swt dan meninggalkan larangannya.

"MUI tidak pernah memberikan pembinaan langsung kepada pemuda, namun hanya mengeluarkan fatwa yang dianggap penting saja," katanya.

Tentang penggunaan ringtone bagi handphone dengan nada Islam tidak diharamkan, namun hendaknya tidak digunakan sembarangan.

"Penggunaan nada dering dengan Asma Allah Swt atau nada Islam hendaknya digunakan di tempat yang suci, kalau di tempat yang dianggap tidak suci seperti WC hendaknya jangan dipakai," katanya.

Ia mengatakan penggunakan dering nada Islam pada sambungan handphone dalam Islam tidak diharamkan tetapi juga tidak diharuskan atau diwajibkan.

"Ringtone dengan nada sambung kalau tidak diimbangi dengan nada Islam bisa saja menimbulkan `riya` (sombong) karena dianggap mempunyai ilmu agama yang lebih. Begitu pula akan dikhawatirkan menimbulkan fitnah oleh pihak yang tidak menyukainya," ujarnya.

Antara - Kamis, 11 Februari 2010

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Rabu, 10 Februari 2010

Ibu Tiri Tewas Disembelih Anak

Rabu, 10 Februari 2010

Aniyani (80), seorang ibu tiri, warga Kampung Manggaan, Desa Keleyan, Kecamatan Socah, Kabupaten Bangkalan, Madura tewas di tangan putri angkatnya. Korban disembelih dengan menggunakan pisau dapur, hingga nyaris putus di bagian leher sisi kanan, Rabu (10/2/2010).

Bahkan, empat jari tangan kanan korban juga putus. Diduga kuat, korban sempat melakukan perlawanan, dengan cara menangkis saat pelaku menusuk dengan pisau dapur.

Pelaku yang nekad berbuat sadis bernama Sitiani (60). Pelaku merupakan anak tiri korban, yang diasuh sejak balita.

Pembunuhan yang menggegerkan warga setempat itu langsung dilokalisir oleh petugas dan diberi garis polisi untuk kepentingan penyidikan. Sedangkan pelaku diamankan.

Kasat Reskrim Polres Bangkalan, AKP Suwarno, yang terjun langsung bersama anggotanya mengatakan, untuk sementara polisi masih fokus pada olah TKP dan mengamankan pelaku barikut barang bukti berupa pisau dapur.

"Kami belum bisa menguak motif dan kronologis kejadian pembunuhan yang tergolong sadis ini," terang Suwarno, pada wartawan di lokasi.

Menurut dia, informasi yang diperoleh dari warga setempat, pelaku mengalami gangguan jiwa. Namun, tetap akan menjalani tahap pemeriksaan, dengan ditangani langsung oleh psikiater.

"Kasus ini tetap kita proses hingga tuntas," pungkasnya.

detikcom. Rabu/10/02/2010

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Senin, 08 Februari 2010

Makam Aneh di Probolinggo

Senin, 08 Februari 2010

Sebuah kuburan yang dikenal dengan makam 'Bujuk Sorah' di Kelurahan Triwung Kidul, Kecamatan Kademangan, Kota Probolinggo bisa dibilang aneh. Keanehan makam tersebut karena arah kedua batu nisan tidak sama dengan makam-makam lainnya yang ada di tempat tersebut.

"Arah kedua batu nisan makam itu memang sejak dulu seperti itu," ujar salah seorang juru kunci, Sulandri (40), saat ditemui di rumahnya, Senin (8/2/2010).

Keanehan batu nisan Bujuk Sorah itu, kata dia, karena berada di arah timur dan barat. Tidak seperti makam lainnya yang menghadap ke utara dan selatan.

"Dulu warga sempat mempertanyakan arah batu nisan makam itu. Bahkan, batu nisan makam itu sempat dibongkar dan arahnya diubah ke utara dan selatan, seperti makam lainnya," katanya.

Karena dianggap aneh, makam yang saat ini dikeramatkan warga ini kerap dikunjungi masyarakat dari luar Probolinggo seperti Lumajang, Situbondo dan Banyuwangi untuk melakukan ritual.

"Kalau malam Jumat Legi banyak orang yang melakukan lelaku (tirakat,red) di sana," kata Sulandri.

detikcom - Senin, 8 Februari 2010

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Rabu, 03 Februari 2010

Polusi Di China

Rabu, 03 Februari 2010

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Awas, Blog Mudah Terbakar !!

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Senin, 01 Februari 2010

Eksotisme Gunung Berapi

Senin, 01 Februari 2010

1 komentar

Kamis, 28 Januari 2010

Chris John Terbang Ke Australia

Kamis, 28 Januari 2010

Juara dunia kelas bulu WBA, Chris John, Sabtu (30/1), dijadwalkan berangkat ke Australia, untuk persiapan menghadapi petinju Amerika Serikat pada pertandingan perebutan gelar di Bali, awal April 2010.

"Sebenarnya hari ini saya berangkat ke Australia, tetapi karena pelatih sekaligus manajernya, Craig Christian sedang bertemu dengan pihak sponsor maka diundur Sabtu mendatang," kata Chri John ketika dihubungi di Semarang, Kamis.

Menurut petinju dengan rekor bertanding 43 kali menang (22 di antaranya dengan KO) tersebut, dirinya berangkat ke Australia dari Bandara Ngurah Rai, Bali.

Ia mengatakan, dirinya berlatih di Sasana Herry`s Gym Perth, Australia, selama sebulan kemudian dilanjutkan dengan berlatih di Sasana Mirah Boxing Camp (pimpinan Zaenal Thayeb) di Banyuwangi, Jatim, dan setelah itu langsung ke Bali.

Menyinggung soal lawan yang akan dihadapi pada pertarungan perebutan gelar di Bali mendatang, dia mengatakan, sampai kini dirinya belum diberitahu oleh promotornya, Zaenal Thayeb.

"Mungkin masih dalam proses, tetapi yang pasti berasal dari Amerika Serikat. Nanti kalau saya sudah diberitahu, langsung saya kabari," kata petinju yang mendapat gelar "Super Champions" dari WBA karena berhasil mempertahankan gelarnya 10 kali tanpa putus.

Promotor Chris John, Zaenal Thayeb yang dihubungi secara terpisah, mengatakan, untuk lawan Chris John, dirinya berencana menggelar pertemuan dengan Asisten Manajer Herry`s Gym, Toni Priatna, pekan ini.

"Pertarungan mendatang adalah pilihan atau `choice`, sehingga bisa memilih lawan yang akan dihadapi Chris John," ucapnya menegaskan.

Chris John sampai kini sudah 12 kali mempertahankan gelarnya yang diperoleh saat mengalahkan petinju Kolombia, Oscar Leon di Bali, 2003. Dua pertarungan terakhir yang dijalaninya adalah saat menghadapi Rocky Juarez di Amerika Serikat, 28 Februari dan 19 September 2009.

Pertarungan pertama di Toyota Center berakhir dengan hasil imbang 114-114, kemudian promotor Golden Boy Promotions (GBK) pimpinan mantan petinju dunia, Oscar de la Hoya, mempertemukan kedua petinju di MGM Grand Las Vegas, Nevada, dan Chris John menang dengan angka mutlak.

Pertarungan melawan petinju Amerika Serikat di Bali mendatang merupakan yang ke-13 kali bagi suami mantan atlet wushu Jateng, Anna Maria Megawati, untuk mempertahankan gelarnya. Antara, Kamis 28 Januari 2010

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Rabu, 27 Januari 2010

Armani Exchange Minta Maaf atas 'Kaos Garuda'

Rabu, 27 Januari 2010

Rumah desain Armani Exchange meminta maaf atas penggunaan gambar mirip lambang Indonesia, Garuda Pancasila, di salah satu kaos mereka.

"Kami meminta maaf atas segala keberatan yang timbul akibat desain ini," ujar Ric Santos dari Armani Exchange melalui surat elektronik yang diterima VIVAnews, Rabu, 27 Januari 2010, dini hari.

Awal pekan ini, kaos bergambar mirip Burung Garuda ini ramai diperbincangkan di sejumlah forum di Indonesia. Armani Exchange sendiri sempat menyatakan bahwa gambar burung Garuda yang melekat pada kaos itu adalah burung Elang versi militer.

Pada Selasa, 26 Januari 2010 pagi, kaos bergambar mirip Garuda Pancasila itu telah hilang dari laman resmi Armani Exchange. Santos mengatakan kontroversi yang muncul seputar desain tersebut menjadi perhatian Armani Exchange. Dia juga mengaku bahwa kaos itu telah dihapus dari laman Armani Exchange segera setelah isu merebak.

"Kami sangat memperhatikan masalah ini dan segera menghapus item tersebut dari laman kami," ujar Santos.

Kemiripan elang militer Armani dengan Garuda bukan hanya di segi bentuk, namun juga detailnya. Dua burung itu sama-sama memiliki 17 bulu di sayap, delapan bulu ekor, dan total 45 bulu di badan.

Selain bulu, perisai di dada elang Armani juga mengingatkan pada perisai yang ada di Burung Garuda. Gambar kepala banteng dan pohon beringin tidak ada pada model kaos milik Armani berganti menjadi huruf X dan A.

Sementara gambar padi dan kapas yang melekat pada model kaos masih terlihat samar-samar. Gambar bintang segi lima dipertahankan Armani.

Lambang elang pada bagian depan kaos, juga menghadap ke arah yang sama seperti lambang resmi negara Indonesia. Namun elang di bagian belakang kaos, menghadap posisi sebaliknya.

Kaos disediakan dalam tiga warna: putih, hitam, dan biru tua. Tampilan burung Garuda atau elang militer itu dalam bentuk sablon timbul. Bahan yang digunakan adalah 100 persen katun dan berukuran pas badan.

Armani Exchange adalah salah satu lini produk perancang Italia, Giorgio Armani. Ia didirikan pada 1991 di Amerika Serikat dengan pangsa pasar kaum muda. VIVAnews/27 Januari 2010

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Sabtu, 23 Januari 2010

Banyak Masjid Salah Tentukan Kiblat

Sabtu, 23 Januari 2010

Arah kiblat, ke mana umat Islam menghadap saat sembahyang, diduga mengalami pergeseran. Perubahan arah kiblat ini terungkap berdasarkan metode ukur satelit.

Akibatnya, banyak masjid salah mementukan arah kiblat. Menteri Agama Suryadharma Ali menyatakan bahwa kesalahan penentuan kiblat yang banyak terjadi di beberapa masjid di Indonesia, pembetulannya tidak harus dengan membongkar bangunan masjid.

"Tak harus dibongkar masjidnya, cukup posisi shaf dan arah kiblatnya yang diubah," kata Suryadharma, seperti dimuat laman Departemen Agama.

Kesalahan kiblat antara lain terjadi pada beberapa masjid di Jawa Tengah yang diketahui salah menetapkan arah kiblatnya. Juga di Jakarta.

"Memang ada beberapa temuan masjid yang salah kiblat, seperti di Jakarta saja ada beberapa masjid milik instansi pemerintah yang juga salah kiblatnya," tambah dia.

Meski selama ini, salah arah, tambah dia, tidak terlalu mempengaruhi makna dari shalat. "Tapi itu kan tidak jadi permasalahan, karena ketidaktahuan. Yang penting itu niat untuk ibadah kita, arah tidak mengurangi makna dan kekhusyukan shalat," katanya.

Terkait salah kiblat ini, Kementerian Agama akan menurunkan tim untuk mengukur kembali arah kiblat. "Kita akan menurunkan tim Kementerian Agama di masing-masing daerah, juga dibantu ormas-ormas setempat, untuk mengukur kembali arah kiblat itu," ujarnya.

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Selasa, 12 Januari 2010

Diberitakan Meninggal, Charlie ST12 Malah Tersenyum

Selasa, 12 Januari 2010
Belum lama ini tersiar kabar duka dari grup band ST12. Sang vokalis, Charlie, dikabarkan tutup usia setelah menderita sakit keras dan gara-gara mengalami kecelakaan. Mendengar hal tersebut, Charlie yang ditemui masih segar-bugar di Studio Cawang, Jakarta Timur, Senin (11/1) kemarin hanya bisa tertawa.

"Iya. Banyak nelepon nanya, baik ke aku langsung, ada yang ke manajemen. Padahal aku lagi di studio untuk mempersiapkan album yang berikut. Tapi aku menyikapinya itu doa aja, supaya panjang umur. Pertama kali denger kemarin lusa di studio. Ada yang bilang aku meninggal karena tabrakan, ada juga yang bilang karena penyakit liver, padahal aku nggak punya penyakit itu," jelasnya.

Walaupun kabar itu cukup menggemparkan, namun Charlie tidak shock saat mengetahuinya. Hanya saja beberapa temannya dan juga para penggemar sempat marah karena kabar palsu itu. "Teman-teman banyak yang nanyain, bahkan ST Setia (nama fans ST12) ada yang nulis di Facebook, 'Siapa yang bilang? Kurang ajar yang memberitakan ini'. Aku cuma bilang, ya udah nggak apa-apa, hadapi semua dengan senyuman," ujarnya.

Pun begitu, Charlie mengakui jika dirinya memang sempat sakit. Tapi bukan penyakit yang seseram dirumorkan. Ia hanya mengalami kecapekan akibat sering begadang. "Tapi alhamdulillah berat badanku sudah naik. Cuma pipinya aja agak chubby. Berat badanku naik hampir 10 kg, waktu itu aku drop banget dan kurus banget," terangnya.

Penyanyi kerap menambahi cengkok Melayu di lagu-lagunya ini juga jadi lebih perhatian terhadap kesehatan. Menurutnya, kesehatan merupakan ujung tombak. "Ngapain juga kita punya segala macam, tapi sakit, nggak bisa ngapa-ngapain juga. Apalagi aku kerja menghibur orang," pungkasnya yang sekarang lebih mengurangi begadang dan menambah porsi makan hingga enam kali sehari. (kpl/hen/boo)

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Operasi Keluarkan Penis dari Pipa

Hampshire: Setelah usaha keras mengeluarkan pipa besi yang menyangkut dari penis hanya membuat pria tidak teridentifikasi namanya semakin terangsang, akhirnya tim medis rumah sakit umum Southampthon, Inggris meminta bantuan dinas pemadam kebakaran. Pemotong besi khusus digunakan untuk mengeluarkan "sang burung" dari jeratan besi, demikian rilis The Telegraph baru-baru ini.

Tujuh orang petugas dan sebuah peralatan khusus berupa mesin pemotong berukuran 4,5 inchi didatangkan dari kantor dinas pemadam kebakaran guna melakukan "operasi halus", kata juru bicara pemadam kebakaran. Sebelum operasi dimulai, penis "sang pejantan kurang kerjaan" ini disuntik obat bius.

Hasilnya, diluar dugaan penis malah makin membesar, namun operasi yang membutuhkan waktu sekitar 30 menit akhirnya bisa membebaskan sang pria "penyuka pipa besi" ini tanpa terluka. Tidak ada konfirmasi lebih lanjut bagaimana pipa bisa terjebak dalam penis pria berumur 40 tahun tersebut.(AYB)

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Perkosa Putrinya, Pria Singapura Divonis 24 Tahun Penjara

Sungguh bejat perbuatan ayah satu ini. Dia memperkosa putri kandungnya sejak berumur 8 tahun. Pemerkosaan itu berlangsung selama enam tahun!

Peristiwa ini terjadi di Singapura seperti dilansir harian Singapura, Straits Times, Selasa (12/1/2010).

Pria yang dirahasiakan identitasnya itu bekerja sebagai petugas keamanan. Korban merupakan putri semata wayangnya. Empat anaknya yang lain adalah laki-laki.

Oleh Pengadilan Tinggi Singapura, pria berusia 57 tahun itu dijatuhi vonis penjara 24 tahun. Di pengadilan terungkap, pemerkosaan itu berlangsung mulai tahun 2002.

Saat itu korban yang sedang tidur, dibangunkan oleh ayahnya. Pria itu pun memaksa anak perempuannya itu untuk melayani nafsu bejatnya. Meski kesakitan, namun korban tidak menangis karena takut pada ayahnya.

Saat kejadian itu, putra bungsu pelaku, yang ketika itu berumur 4 tahun, sedang tidur di kamar lain. Sedangkan istri pelaku dan tiga anaknya yang lain sedang tidak berada di rumah.

Di pengadilan terungkap, pemerkosaan itu terjadi dua sampai tiga kali dalam sebulan.


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Dicecar Pansus Century, Boediono Sedih

Beberapa anggota pansus Century kecewa dengan penjelasan Mantan Gubernur Bank Indonesia Boediono. Boediono pun harus bersedih karena dicecar anggota pansus dengan nada tinggi.

"Saya merasa sehari ini kita tidak diberi pernyataan yang kita harapkan," kata anggota pansus Century dari FPKS Fahri Hamzah mencecar Boediono dengan nada tinggi.

Hal ini disampaikan Fahri dalam rapat pansus angket Century di Gedung DPR, Senayan, Jakarta, Selasa (12/1/2010).

Fahri kecewa karena Boediono tidak memberikan keterangan yang cukup. Fahri berharap Boediono mau menanggapi hasil audit BPK.

"Makin hari kita undang orang makin tidak jelas masalahnya. Padahal sesi dengan Pak Boediono masih sangat penting sebab dua orang yaitu Pak Boediono dan Sri Mulyani, kalau dua tidak clear ke bawah bagaimana," keluh Fahri masih dengan nada tinggi.

"Saya kecewa sekali ini kesempatan baik untuk meyakinkan kita tapi menjadi kabur begini," tegas Fahri masih terdengar keras.

Mendengar cecaran Fahri, Boediono nampak sedih. Hal ini terlihat jelas dari layar TV yang di zoom-in. Boediono pun mencoba menyangkal.

"Saya sudah jelaskan. Bapak jangan menyampaikan apa yang saya tidak sampaikan, Pak," sangkal Boediono lirih.

Mendengar perkataan Boediono, anggota pansus dari FPD Ruhut Sitompul angkat bicara. "Saudara Fahri di satu sisi mengatakan A tapi disatu sisi dia mengatakan Z," bela Ruhut kepada Boediono.

Pansus memang memanas karena beberapa anggota pansus kecewa dengan pernyataan Boediono yang dinilai kurang tegas. Sebelumnya anggota pansus juga menyindir Boediono yang kurang tegas dalam menjawab pertanyaan.


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Sabtu, 09 Januari 2010

Sabtu, 09 Januari 2010

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Allegory is the intentional conveying, by means of symbol and image, of a further, deeper meaning than the surface one. Allegory may thus be said to be extended metaphor, worked out in many relationship. It is of greater length and complexity than parable or fable and is imaginative where analogy is rational (Benton, 1968: 641).

In Diksi Dan Gaya Bahasa, Gorys Keraf said: Alegori adalah suatu cerita singkat yang mengandung kiasan. Makna kiasan ini harus ditarik dari bawah permukaan ceritanya (2006: 140). It means the allegorical story that has a deeper meaning in addition to surface meaning.

In other ways, Rachmat Joko Pradopo said: allegori ialah kiasan ataupun lukisan kiasan. Cerita kiasan atau lukisan kiasan ini mengiaskan hal lain atau kejadian lain (2005: 71). The allegorical elements are not presenting an everyday experience or meant to be realistic in time and or space, but there is something magical like a dream like about the highly symbolic scene and action about to take place. Character within the story also contain allegory, in which personify abstract concepts or types, an the action of the narrative usually stands for something not explicitly stated.

Allegory is composed by symbols, personifications, and metaphors, which are the representation of an idea or a concept that can have a different meaning throughout a literary work (Caldwell, 2007).

Symbol is a word or image that signifies something other that is literally represented. In symbols, the objective or act is too understood on two levels; the literal and the figurative. For example, the cross is a symbol of Christianity, the donkey and the elephant are symbols of two American political organization.

Personification is the giving of human characteristic to inanimate objects, ideas, or animals. It is really a subtype of metaphor, an implied comparison in which the figurative term of comparison is always a human being. When a poet makes a mirror to speak and think, he is personifying an object. When Keats in one of his poems describes autumn as harvester “sitting careless on a granary floor”, he is personifying a concert.
Metaphor is an implied comparison between two usually unrelated things indicating a likeness or analogy between attributes found in both things. For example “the entire world’s a stage”. It means the world like a stage of drama. Human plays the God’s rule.

Allegory is work of written, oral, or visual expression that uses symbolic figures, objects, and actions to convey truths or generalizations about human conduct or experience. It encompasses such forms as the fable and parable. Characters often personify abstract concepts or types, and the action of the narrative usually stands for something not explicitly stated. Symbolic allegories, in which characters may also have an identity apart from the message they convey, have frequently been used to represent political and historical situations and have long been popular as vehicles for satire (

The purpose of allegory is to tell the story with the “other language”. It means, allegory tells the story that has characters, a setting that has both literal and figurative meanings.
There were two types if allegory: (a) the historical and political variety, in which historical persons and events are referred to; (b) the allegory of ideas, in which characters personify abstract concepts and the story has didactic purpose (Thompson, 2007).

For example is Time, Real and Imaginary a poem by Samuel Taylor Coleridge:
On the wide level of a mountain's head,
(I knew not where, but 'twas some faery place)
Their pinions, ostrich-like, for sails outspread,
Two lovely children run an endless race,
A sister and a brother!
This far outstript the other;
Yet ever runs she with reverted face,
And looks and listens for the boy behind:
For he, alas! is blind!
O'er rough and smooth with even step he passed,
And knows not whether he be first or last.

The allegory in this poem represents time. The children’s race, as spoke of by the author, represents time in general. The girl, who knows where she is, where she is going, and where she will end up is an example of “real” time. The boy, who is blind, and doesn’t know where he is, where he is going, or where he will end up represents “imaginary” time.

Real time is the time that we use everyday to measure our lives. It is the time that we use to calculate our age, or to get to work on time. It is the time that we use to go to bed at night and to eat supper at. Imaginary time is the time that we measure our children’s lives in; “…one day they’re two, the next they’re eighteen…” Imaginary time is what we use when we’re at the beach or just watching life go past. Imaginary time is what happens before you’re born, or after you die. It is what happens when you’re daydreaming or sleeping.

This poem uses a race between a young girl and boy to demonstrate the significance of real and imaginary time. The young girl, who knows exactly what is going on demonstrates the real time. She can predict what is coming next. The young boy is unpredictable, just like imaginary time. The young boy can see nothing, he doesn’t know where he will go next. Imaginary time can go anywhere at any time.
In the end, the blind boy, or the imaginary time, is in “first” place, but still, he doesn’t know that. This means that just as the boy doesn’t know he is winning, imaginary time is oblivious to the fact that it may be better, or more liked, than real time.

All in all, this poem is about the constant race between real time and imaginary time. Sometime one will be in front, but the other will speed right past. Life is constantly switching back and forth between the two, and people have learned to accept this (Michelle: 2006).

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Jumat, 08 Januari 2010


Jumat, 08 Januari 2010

Let that which stood in front go behind
Let that which was behind advance to the front
Let bigots, fools, unclean persons, offer new propositions
Let the old propositions be postponed
Let a man seek pleasure everywhere except in himself
Let a woman seek happiness everywhere except in herself

This poem is kind of metaphor in case of allegory. It is about changing of social condition in United States of America after the Civil War end and proclaimed Declaration of Emancipation. It is imaging the process of similarity of human degree between black people and white people. Line 1st and 2nd addressed to reconstruction in position. Before Declaration of Emancipation was proclaimed, black peoples are the slaves who have position in the back of white peoples. Then, in 3rd and 4th line is associating to the process of reconstruction in the freedom to have a notion. The “bigots, fools, unclean persons” (3rd line) refers to black peoples. A Negro must be made to work, and should always be given to understand that if he fails to perform his duty he will be punished for it (Stampp, 1956: 171 in slavery_in_the_United_States). Line 5th and 6th defined the similarity for every people to find the happiness in their life.

By the 18th century, court rulings established the racial basis of the American incarnation of slavery to apply chiefly to Africans and people of African descent, and occasionally to Native Americans. In part because of the Southern colonies' devotion of resources to tobacco culture, which was labor intensive, by the end of the 17th century they had a higher number and proportion of slaves than in the north ( From 1654 until 1865, slavery for life was legal within the boundaries. Most slaves were black and were held by whites.

Beginning in the 1750s, there was widespread sentiment during the American Revolution that slavery was a social evil (for the country as a whole and for the whites) and should eventually be abolished. All the Northern states passed emancipation acts between 1780 and 1804. The Massachusetts Constitution of 1780 declared all men "born free and equal". Throughout the first half of the 19th century, a movement to end slavery grew in strength throughout the United States. This struggle took place amid strong support for slavery among white Southerners, who profited greatly from the system of enslaved labor. After 1830, a religious movement led by William Lloyd Garrison declared slavery to be a personal sin and demanded the owners repent immediately and start the process of emancipation. The movement was highly controversial and was a factor in causing the American Civil War. (

Before the Civil War held, Lincoln said that “The feeling is against slavery, not against the South. The war has educated our people into abolition, and they deny that slaves can be property. For two hundred years the whole country has treaded the slaves as property. The black must be freed. Slavery is the bone we are fighting over. It must be go out of the way to give us permanent peace, and we have to fight this war till the South is subjugated.” (

On January 1, 1863, President Lincoln proclaimed the Emancipation to abolish slavery. According to the Census of 1860, this policy would free nearly four million slaves, or over 12% of the total population of the United States ( History_of_slavery_in_the_United_States).

After Declaration of Emancipation proclaimed, the government did the reconstruction to the black peoples especially in sharecropping and education. In 1867 federal law prohibited a descendant form of slavery known as sharecropping or debt bondage. Between 1903 and 1944, the Supreme Court ruled on several cases involving debt bondage of black Americans, declaring these arrangements unconstitutional. In actual practice, however, sharecropping arrangements often resulted in peonage for both black and white farmers in the South. In education, on 1832 the government made Anti-literacy law. Consequently, many religious organizations, former Union Army officers and soldiers, and wealthy philanthropists were inspired to create and fund educational efforts specifically for the betterment of African Americans in the South. They helped create normal schools to generate teachers. Stimulated by the work of educators such as Dr. Booker T. Washington, by the first part of the 20th century over 5,000 local schools had been built for blacks in the South ( in_the_United_States).

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This dust was once the man,
Gentle, plain, just and resolute, under whose cautious hand,
Against the foulest crime in history known in any land or age,
Was saved the Union of these States.

In 1st line, the “dust” symbolizes the dead body in the grave. The 2nd line identified the characters of Abraham Lincoln. The “cautious hand” (in 2nd line) has meaning a person who has clever and composed to doing his assignment. Richard Behn (2007) said that “he loved his county partly because it was his own country, but mostly because it was a free country, and he burned with a zeal for its advancement, prosperity, and glory, because he saw, in such, the advancement prosperity, and glory of human liberty, human rights, and human nature”. The sentence above is reflection of the characters that mentioned in 2nd line.

The metaphor of “foulest crime” (line 3rd) associated to slavery system. More than two hundred years, from 1654 until 1865, slavery was legal in United States. Slavery was social evil which must be abolished. On January 1, 1863, President Lincoln proclaimed the Emancipation to abolish slavery. After Civil War was end, federal government made 13th Amendment to abolish all of slaves in America. Then the government made 14th Amendment to give black full citizen rights. Sentences previous are the analogy of “Against the foulest crime in history known in any land or age”.

Finally, the man in this poem who have characters such as “gentle, plain, just and resolute, under whose cautious hand”, and well known as the hero who “against the foulest crime in history known in any land or age” who “was saved the Union of these States” is Abraham Lincoln.

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O Captain! my Captain! our fearful trip is done,
The ship has weather'd every rack, the prize we sought is won,
The port is near, the bells I hear, the people all exulting,
While follow eyes the steady keel, the vessel grim and daring;
But O heart! heart! heart!
O the bleeding drops of red,
Where on the deck my Captain lies,
Fallen cold and dead.

O Captain! my Captain! rise up and hear the bells;
Rise up--for you the flag is flung--for you the bugle trills,
For you bouquets and ribbon'd wreaths--for you the shores a-crowding,
For you they call, the swaying mass, their eager faces turning;
Here Captain! dear father!
This arm beneath your head!
It is some dream that on the deck,
You've fallen cold and dead.

My Captain does not answer, his lips are pale and still,
My father does not feel my arm, he has no pulse nor will,
The ship is anchor'd safe and sound, its voyage closed and done,
From fearful trip the victor ship comes in with object won;
Exult O shores, and ring O bells!
But I with mournful tread,
Walk the deck my Captain lies,
Fallen cold and dead.

1st Stanza
The 1st line of the poem, “Captain” is a substitute for Abraham Lincoln, and the “ship” has meaning the United States of America. “The fearful trip” is refers to the Civil War, which had ended just prior to Lincoln’s assassination. In 2nd line, “the prize” means the victory of the Union in Civil War. In 3rd line, “the port” is refers to home and the “bells” are imagining the bells ring in celebration of military victory. This line is imagining cheering crowds celebrating the victory, just as the Union, led by Lincoln, had returned victorious from the Civil War. On April 9, 1865 the Union’s armies surrounded the Confederate armies at Appomattox Court House, Virginia. This moment is the end of war (Benton, 1768: 730-743).

Lines 5-8 communicate the unpleasant news that the Captain has somehow fallen dead after the battle. The repetition of “heart! heart! heart!” (line 5), communicates the sadness and horror at realizing that his Captain has died. In 6th line, the “bleeding drops of red” are both the Captain’s bleeding wound and the speakers wounded heart. The “fallen cold and dead,” (line 8th) is it seems that addressed to the Lincoln’s death.

2nd Stanza
In 1st line, 2nd stanza, the “Rise up and hear the bells” is refers to the Captain having led his crew bravely to victory, will not receive the fanfare that is his just due. At the same time, the “bells” in 1st line are imagining the bells ring in celebration of military victory; however, knowing the great Captain and leader has died the bells might also symbolize funeral bells tolled in mourning. Similarly, in 2nd line, the “flag,” is flown in honor of the Captain both as a symbol of pride and victory and as a symbol of lamentation — as in the tradition of flying the American flag at half-mast when a respected American dies. The “bugle” symbolize military musical instrument, alludes to both military victory in the traditional requiem at funerals of fallen soldiers. “Bouquets and ribbon wreathes” are also common to both celebratory receptions and funerals.

In 5th line, the “father” is a metaphor of Lincoln beyond the more limited scope of a military leader of men into a father figure, one whose wisdom and teachings led his children into adult. The poem celebrates Lincoln as more than simply a great military leader who led the Union to victory during the Civil War and attaches to him a broader significance as the father of this new, post-slavery country. In line 7th, the “some dream that on the deck” is essences to the heart feeling of American. It is hard for Americans to accept the shocking death of their president by hands of assassin. On April 15, 1865, the evening when he was with his wife and his friends watched the play of Our American Cousin at Ford’s Theater, Washington, he was shot by an actor, John Wilkes Booth. The refrain “fallen cold and dead,” (line 8th) is it seems that addressed to the Captain’s death

3rd Stanza
“My Captain does not answer, his lips are pale and still/My father does not feel my arm, he has no pulse nor will” (1st and 2nd line) essences the reality of the Captain’s death. In this sense, the writer finally accepted that his Captain is dead. In 3rd line, “voyage closed and done” has meaning of long and burdensome war is done. Civil War began on April 12, 1861 until April 1, 1865. Then, “the fearful trip” in line 4 is the metaphor of fearful war.

Same with the explanation in 1st stanza, the “bells” in 5th line are imagining the bells ring in celebration of military victory. While “Exult O shores, and ring O bells/with mournful tread/Walk the deck my Captain lies/Fallen cold and dead” (5th-8th line) is the analogy of the celebration the end of the Civil War but continues to express of mourn of his fallen hero. Then, “the deck” (7th line) associated to Oak Ridge Cemetery in Springfield when he was buried.

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Walt Whitman was born on May 31st, 1819 in West Hills, Huntington, and Long Island from Quaker family. His parents are Walter Whitman and Louisa Van Velsor. He was the second of nine children. In 1823 he moved to Brooklyn, where for six years he attended public school.

At age of eleven, he worked as an office boy for lawyer and doctor. In 1831 he became a printer for Long Island Patriot, four pages weekly whose editor is Samuel L. Clements (Mark Twain). With the financial support from his friend, in 1838 he made his own weekly newspaper, The Long Islander until 1896.

He moved to New York City in 1841 and worked as editor In New York Aurora. In this time, he wrote his views on slavery. In 1855, his father, Walter died. In same year he published his first work Leave of Grass followed 12 poems.

In 1862 he visited his brother George, who was wounded in Battle of Fredericksburg. Three years later he published Drum-Taps. In 1873, Whitman suffered a stroke in 1888 while working and living in Washington D.C. After he recovered, he moved to Camden, New Jersey. In same year, his mother, Louisa died. Two years later he published a collection of journals titled The Memoranda during the War.

Whitman got second stroke in 1888. In illness condition, he still wrote the poems. In 1891 he published the final edition of Leaves of Grass with total 293 poems. One year later he got the serious illness and died on March 26th. He was buried in Camden’s Harleigh Cemetery, New Jersey.

Walt Whitman was proclaimed the greatest of all American poets by many foreign observers four years after his death. His works have been translated into more than twenty five languages. Whitman is in among the most influential and controversial poet in America (http//

Walt Whitman selected works:
1855 Leaves of Grass – 95 pages; followed 12 poems
1856 Leaves of Grass – 32 poems
1860 Leaves of Grass – 456 pages; 178 poems
1865 – Drum-Taps
1865-1866 – Sequel To Drum-Taps
1867 Leaves of Grass – re-edited; adding Drum-Taps, and Songs Before Parting, 6 new poems
1871-1872 Leaves of Grass – adding 120 pages with 74 poems, 24 of which are new texts
1875 Memoranda During The War
1881-1882 Leaves of Grass – adding 17 new poems, deleting 39, and rearranging; 293 poems total, Song Of My Self receive its name
1891-1892 Leaves of Grass – no significant new material
Walt Whitman, Poetry and Prose (Justin Kaplan, ed.) (Library Of America, 1981) ISBN
Walt Whitman: Selected Poems, American Poets Project (Harold Bloom, ed.) (Library Of America, 2003) ISBN

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Abraham Lincoln was born on February 12, 1809 in Hardin, Kentucky. His family was originally Quaker. His parent’s name is Thomas Lincoln and Nancy Hanks. In 1826, his family moved to Indiana. When he was eight, in 1818 his mother died. His father married Mrs. Sarah Bush Johnston in 1819.

When he was twenty-one, he moved again to the Sangamon River, Decatur, Illinois. After Lincoln and his parents settled here, in July 1831, when he was 22 years old, he left his family and arrived in New Salem. In this town, he worked as clerk in one store, as a postmaster and also a surveyor.

In April 21, 1832, Abraham Lincoln enlisted in the local militia, the Thirty-First Regiment of Illinois, following the governor's call for troops at the breakout of the Blackhawk War. He served for 51 days but witnessed no action. His fellow militiamen elected him as their captain, an honor he said which gave him "more pleasure than any I have had since". In August, he started on the road to the White House as a candidate for the state legislature, but he was defeated in first try for a seat in Illinois General Assembly as a candidate for the Whig Party. In August 1834 he was elected and for three terms following until 1841 (

Lincoln began to study in law in 1834 and received his license to practice law from the Illinois Supreme Court on September 9, 1836. In 1837 he moved to Springfield and became the junior law partner of John Todd Stuart, Marry Todd’s cousin. Two years later he began the member of Eighth Judicial Circuit. In 1842 he married Mary Todd. He had four sons. They are Robert Todd Lincoln, Edward Baker Lincoln, William Wallace Lincoln, and Thomas (Tad) Lincoln.

Lincoln sets up his own law practice with William H. Herndon as his junior law partner I may 1844. In August, Lincoln was elected to seat in the United States House of Representatives, as part of the Thirtieth Congress, as a candidate of the Whig Party.
On 1847, Lincoln and his family moved to Washington DC. Two years later, he proposed legislation in the United States House of Representatives to begin abolishing slavery in the District of Columbia.

Lincoln biographer Benjamin Thomas wrote about positions of Mr. Lincoln. In 1854, in Lincoln’s first major speech after re-entering politics, Lincoln pleaded: “Let us re-adopt the Declaration of Independence, and we will practices, policy, and harmonize with it. If we do this, we shall not only have saved the Union; but we shall have so saved it, as to make, and to keep it, the world over, shall rise up, and call us blessed, to the later generations.” (www.thecollectedworksofabrahamlincoln./II/pp/htm).

In 1858 he and Stephen A Douglas contested a seat in United States of America’s Senate from Illinois, but he was defeated and Douglas won. In 1860 he was nominated at the Republican National Convention in Chicago to represent the party for The Presidency of the United States and following November 6 was elected the 16th President of the United States defeating Stephen Douglas from Northern Democratic Party, John C. Breckinridge from Southern Democratic party, and John Bell from Constitutional Unionist Party. His Vice President was Hannibal Hamlin from Maine.

After being nominated for the Senate, he made the convention speech about slavery. He said, “A house divided against itself cannot stand; I believe this government cannot endure permanently half slave and half free,” and he said some thing in other ways again in the debates.

Historian John Hope Franklin wrote that President Lincoln: “In the fall of 1861 he made a compensation program of emancipation in Delaware. He made his friends there interested and urged them to propose it to the Delaware legislature. He went so far as to write a draft of the bill, which was provided for gradual emancipation, and he suggested the federal government to share the expenses of compensating masters for their slaves. Although these bill were much discussed, there to much oppositions to introduce them” (

Six weeks after his inauguration, he was elected on April 12, 1861, Fort Sumter, Charlestown Harbor, South Carolina, was attacked by Confederate Force. The Civil War was held. He issues a call for 75.000 volunteers.

Lincoln said that “The feeling is against the slavery, not against the south. The war had educated our people into abolition, and they now deny that slavery can be property. For two hundred years the country has admitted and regarded and treated the slave as property. The black must be freed. Slavery is the bone we are fighting over.” (

On September 22, 1862, he issued preliminary Emancipation Proclamation. On January 1, 1863, he proclaimed to freeing five million slaves, with his famous last sentence: “and upon this act, sincerely believed to be in act of justice, warranted by Constitution upon military necessity, I invoke the considerate judgment of mankind and the gracious favor of Almighty God”.

He was chosen president for second term in November 1864 defeating General George B. McClellan. His vive President was Andrew Johnson. On April 9, 1865, the Civil War officially ended, with the surrender of the General Robert E. Lee’s Army of Northern Virginia at Appomattox Court House, Virginia.

On April 15, 1865, the evening when he was with his wife and his friends watched the play of Our American Cousin at Ford’s Theater, Washington, he was shot by an actor, John Wilkes Booth. Lincoln died at seven o’clock the next morning in Petersen Boarding House. He was 56 years old. On May 3, he was buried in Oak Ridge Cemetery in Springfield (McSpadden, J. Walker. 2008). Walt Whitman once said Abraham Lincoln, “was the passion of the Union of These States” (http://www.

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Slavery in the United States began after English colonists settled Virginia in 1654 until the Thirteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution was established. From 1654 until 1865, slavery was legal in United States. Most slaves are black with the white’s slaveholder, although some Native Americans and free blacks also held slaves. The majority of slaveholding was in Southern United States where most slaves worked like machine in the system of agriculture. The majority of slaves were held by planters who held 20 slaves or more.

Between 1790 and 1860 (between American Revolution and the Civil War) more than 1.000.000 slaves moved to west. Most of them moved from Maryland, Virginia, and Carolina. Previously, the main destinations were Kentucky and Tennessee, but after 1810 they went to Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana and Texas.

Slave in South worked on farms and plantations such as indigo, rice, and tobacco. After 1790, they work on cotton plantation, because cotton was popular after 1790. In South Carolina in 1720 about 65% of the populations were slaves. Slaves were employed by rich farmers and plantation owners with commercial export operations.

In the early 1750, it spreads a sentimental issue during the American Revolution that slavery was social evil which must be abolished. All the Northern states made Emancipation Acts between 1780 and 1804. In 1780, the Northern declared The Massachusetts’s Constitution that declared all men “born free and equal”; thus abolishing slavery in Massachusetts.

In 1831, a bloody slave rebellion took place in Southampton Country, Virginia. A slave named Nat Turner led the rebellion that was known as Nat Turner’s Rebellion or the Southampton Insurrection. On his crusade, Turner and his followers killed approximately fifty men, women, and children, but they were eventually subdued by the white militia. Nat Turner and his fellow was hanged and skinned. In addition to killing Nat Turner and his fellow insurrectionists, more than a hundred innocent slaves who had nothing to do with the rebellion were also massacred by the white militia.

In 1847, Dred Scott, 62 years old slave, got the freedom from the court, but ten years later the Supreme Court denied Scott. The court ruled that Dred Scott was not a citizen who had a right to sue in the Federal Court. The decision of Supreme Court caused many reactions. Many republicans including Abraham Lincoln made the statement to against the Supreme Court decision.

In 1860, American held the presidential election. Abraham Lincoln, the republican candidate won the election with the majority votes. In this time, conflict between Northern territories and Southern territories area about slavery is on heated atmosphere. When the Federal Government made the right to prohibit the slavery in Western territories, North and West completely supported it. In other side, Southern territories rejected it because they worried that the right would be dangerous to the existence of slavery in their area. In 1861, Northern troops attacked Southern with the slavery as the basic issue, and the civil war began.

On January 1, 1863, President Lincoln proclaimed the Emancipation to abolish slavery. The Arizona Organic Act abolished slavery on February 24, 1863 in Arizona. Tennessee and all of the Border States (except Kentucky) abolished slavery in early 1865. Thousands of slaves were freed by the operation of the Emancipation Declaration as Union armies marched across the South. After Civil War was end, federal government made 13th Amendment to abolish all of slaves in America. Then the government made 14th Amendment to give black full citizen rights. ( in the united states.html).

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Civil War is battle between North section (23 Northern and Western states that supported the Federal government –than it called Union-) and the South section (11 Southern states that had seceded from the union and formed an independent government called the Confederate States of America). The Northern was lead by General Ulysses S. Grant and the Southern was lead by General McClellan, but he replaced by General Robert E. Lee, who proved to be one of the greatest military leaders of all time.

Civil War began when the guns of the South fired on the Federal Fort Sumten on April 12, 1861. The basic issue of civil war is the difference opinion about slavery. The Federal government made the regulation to prohibit the slavery in the Western territories. Northern and Western very supported with the regulation, but the Southern feared that a government increasingly dominated by free states might eventually endanger existing slavery holding.

According the basic issue above, there are many issues that caused the civil war. There are differences of opinion about economic considerations. The North and West wanted internal improvements sponsored by the Federal government. The South had little desire for this project. About the opening of public lands, the North wanted the distribution of such lands in small lots, so it speeds up the development. In other side, the South opposed it because it aided the free farmer rather than slaveholding plantation owner. The last, about the economic tariff, a high tariff protected the Northern manufacturer while the South wanted a low tariff in order the trade of cotton for cheap foreign goods.

The first major battle came on July 21, 1861 when Union forces under General Irvin McDowell engaged in combat at Bull Run by confederate troops commanded by General Joseph E. Johnston and Pierre Beauregard. In 1862 General McClellan brought his army from Potomac as far as Fortress Monroe, Virginia to take Richmond, but in Yorktown, they met and battled with McDowell’s troops that in defense of Washington. In this session is time to Union victory.

The Union got victory at Antietam. It was the opportunity for President Lincoln to issue the Emancipation Proclamation in January 1, 1863. The Emancipation Proclamation that guaranteed the freedom to all slaves was contested in many parts of United States of America. At Gettysburg, July 1-3 1863, Lee suffered his first defeat.

Throughout the war, the Federal forces were more successful in the west. On April 6-7, 1862, the Federal force leaded by General Ulysses S. Grant defeated Southern forces had leaded General Albert S. Johnston in battle at Shiloh. Early in the warm, President Lincoln proclaimed a blockade of the entire Southern coast line by pressing all kinds of ships into use. The Merrimack (Virginia) got bad luck in famous battle with the Federal, Momitor.

In March 1864, General Ulysses S. Grant became commander in chief of all Federal armies. At Five Forks, Virginia April 1, 1865, Federal forces got victory. Finally on April 9, 1865 Lee’s armies surrounded Grant at Appomattox Court House, Virginia, and the war was over (Benton, 1768: 730-743).

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Metaphor by etymology came from Greek meta (μετά) “between” and phero (φέρω), “to bear”, “to carry” that combine to be metaphero (μεταφέρω) that mean “transfer” or “carry over”. Metaphor is a figure of speech concisely comparing two things, saying that one is the other (http://www.wikipedia/metaphor.html).
In Diksi dan Gaya Bahasa, Gorys Keraf said that “metafora adalah semacam analogi yang membandingkan dua hal secara langsung, tetapi dalam bentuk singkat” (2002:139). It means implied comparison between two usually unrelated things indicating a likeness or analogy between attributes found in both things.
Metaphor is in two parts: the tenor and the vehicle. The tenor is the subject to which attributes are ascribed. The vehicle is the subject whose attributes are borrowed.
For example: “No more for him life’s stormy conflicts”, (second stanza, line one in Hush’d Be the Champ’s To-Day).

Stormy conflicts, it means the conflicts are horrible like storm. Civil War and slavery are the horrible is the conflicts in United States of America. Describing the attribute of “conflicts” is a tenor and “stormy” is a vehicle.

Metaphor is present in the oldest written Sumerian language narrative, the Epic of Gilgamesh. The Greek plays of Sophocles, Aeschylus, and Euripides, among others, were almost invariably allegorical, showing the tragedy of the protagonists, either to caution the audience metaphorically about temptation, or to lambast famous individuals of the day by inferring similarities with the caricatures in the play. Now we can see that any theme in literature is a metaphor, using the story to convey information about human perception of the theme in question. (http://www.
Metaphor have several types, there are metonymy, simile, synecdoche, catachresis, parable, fable, and allegory.

Simile is a figure of speech comparing two unlike things, often introduced with the word "like" or "as".
For example: “Charging like ceaseless clouds across the sky” (Hush’d Be The Champ’s To-Day, 3rd line, 2nd stanza).

Synecdoche is a figure of speech in which a term denoting a part of something is used to refer to the whole thing (Pars pro toto), or a term denoting a thing (a "whole") is used to refer to part of it (Totum pro parte), or a term denoting a specific class of thing is used to refer to a larger, more general class, or a term denoting a general class of thing is used to refer to a smaller, more specific class (Bindo pro parte), or a term denoting a material is used to refer to an object composed of that material.
For example: “O Captain! my Captain!” (O Captain! my Captain! 1st line 1st and 2nd stanza). It refers to Abraham Lincoln.

Allegory is the intentional conveying, by means of symbol and image, of a further, deeper meaning than the surface one. Allegory may thus be said to be extended metaphor, worked out in many relationship. It is of greater length and complexity than parable or fable and is imaginative where analogy is rational (Benton, 1968: 641).
For example is the poem entitled Reversals. It is about changing of social condition in United States of America after the Civil War end and proclaimed Declaration of Emancipation.

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